MEFKON (2023 – 2026)
Measurement based improvement of humidity forecasts for contrail avoidance
MEFKON (2023 – 2026)
Measurement based improvement of humidity forecasts for contrail avoidance
WxFUSION contributes with its expertise and its Cb-global system as a partner in the LuFo VI.3 project MEFKON (Measurement based improvement of humidity forecasts for contrail avoidance) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Within MEFKON WxFUSION will provide Cb-global data for the evaluation of contrail forecasts. In addition, a satellite-based algorithm for the detection of contrails will be installed at WxFUSION and prepared for the operational provision of climate-relevant airspaces.

RGB satellite image showing contrails (dark blue stripes) over Spain, France and off the Portoguese coast
ALMODA (2021 – 2024)
Alpine Mobility Data Space Inn Valley
ALMODA (2021 – 2024)
Alpine Mobility Data Space Inn Valley
WxFUSION is partner in the project ALMODA (Alpine Mobility Data Space Inn Valley) funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.
ALMODA aims at building a data pool for communication, navigation, and surveillance data by using artificial intelligence methods as a basis for future mobility concepts (including drone operations) in the alpine region. The WxFUSON team contributes with its meteorological expert knowledge and provides analyses and forecast data of weather hazards in real time.

D-Kult (2022 – 2024)
Demonstrator climate and environmentally friendly air transport
D-Kult (2022 – 2024)
Demonstrator climate and environmentally friendly air transport
WxFUSION contributes with its Cb-global thunderstorm and turbulence data as subcontractor in the LuFo VI.2 project D-Kult (Demonstrator climate and environmentally friendly air transport) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
D-Kult aims at providing evidence of the feasibility of eco-efficient flight trajectories, considering non-CO2 emissions (e.g. persistent contrail-cirrus) in European and especially in German airspace.