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Thunderstorm, turbulence and lightning cells around a planned flight route on proFLIGHT application together with detailed information on selected thunderstorm cell.
WxFUSION Cb-global data integrated in AVTECH Electronic Flight Bag application ProFlight
For a free ProFlight Trial including WxFUSION’s Cb-global layer visit https://www.avtech.aero/proflight/

Cb-global @ Eurocontrol MUAC

An aircraft avoiding a thunderstorm reaching FL360 detected by Cb-global.
Cb-global in the controller position replay tool of Eurocontrol Maastricht Upper Aera Control Centre (MUAC).

CbNowFor6 @ Eurocontrol MUAC

3-hr thunderstorm likelihood prediction for 12:00 UTC:
The dotted contours denote thunderstorm cells with lightning observed at this time.
CbNowFor6 evaluation in cooperation with an ANSP:
Successful and reliable thunderstorm prediction up to 6 hrs in advance.