
What is Cb-global?

What is Cb-global?

Based on satellite data from six geostationary satellites Cb-global.

  • identifies and tracks thunderstorms with highest precision

  • provides a forecast up to one hour (= nowcasting)

  • discriminates different development stages like e.g. rapid vertical cloud growth, mature thunderstorms, and turbulent clouds related to thunderstorms

in addition, lightning data are used to identify lightning cells

What are the Cb-global special features?

What are the Cb-global special features?

  • near real time situational awareness

  • up to 5 minutes update rates of detection and nowcasting

  • captures rapidly growing small convective turbulence cells that cannot be seen by eye or with the on-board radar

  • captures dynamic convective turbulence situations in space and time with details that cannot be forecast by any forecast model

  • global coverage of consistent thunderstorm information

  • reliability proven and confirmed by aviation customers with highest requirements (e.g. EUROCONTROL)

How is the Cb-global information available?

How is the Cb-global information available?

  • geoJSON or GML/XML output of hazard objects including attributes (cloud top height, moving speed, moving direction …) which is easy to implement in your displays and systems

  • Self-explanatory interactive graphics on a geographical web-based map

  • In Electronic Flight Bag solutions like ProFlight and Logipad